Amalfi Coast / Cilento / Basilicata / Calabria

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Postcard view of the Amalfi Coast

Amalfi, Ravello:

Innerhalb der Villa Rufolo hat man den berühmten Postcard view of the Amalfi Coast.
Worth seeing is the world famous Cathedral in Amalfi with its Arabic-Byzantine style. The main part dates from the 13th century.

Positano, the pearl of the Amalfi Coast:

Even the ancient Romans had discovered the beauty and charm of the mariner Positano. The colored houses are picturesquely built on the steep slopes of the mountains. The largest part of the crescent-shaped gravel and sand beach is reserved for the hotels and not publicly accessible.
Dom in Amalfi

The way of the gods (Sentiero degli Dei):

Hiking trail from Agerola (Bomerano district, access by car or bus) to Positano (about 5 to 6 hours, altitude difference 850 m, mostly downhill) with stunning views of the Amalfi Coast.
In some places, head for heights are necessary, At least, however, one should not be afraid of the yawning depth: o)) After 2 to 3 hours of hiking time you will reach the small village of Nocelle. For a lunch break, try the Trattoria Santa Croce. At the end, a stairway leads steeply down to the sea in the picturesque village of Positano.
GPS-Track Way of the Gods (9.9 km) GPS-Track Way of the Gods (9.9 km)


Salerno is archbishop's seat and since 1970 university town. In the Middle Ages, the city was famous for its medical school. Outstanding buildings are the Castello di Arechi, which is still partially from Norman times, and the widely visible cathedral with its mighty tower.


Paestum was founded about 600 years before Christ by the Greeks and thus at that time still "Poseidonia" in honor of the sea god Poseidon. The three large temples (Hera Temple - also called the Basilica, Poseidon Temple and Cerestempel) and the Amphitheater are among the best preserved Griegian archaeological sites.
Today Paestum is a small town on the Gulf of Salerno with miles of fine sandy beaches lined with pine and eucalyptus forests.
South of Paestum begins the beautiful landscape of the Cilento National Park on the coast and in the mountainous outback.
Griechische Tempel in Paestum


The Cilento in the Italian region of Campania (Salerno province) begins in the north with the bizarre rocks and golden beaches of the Cup Palinuro, the chestnut woods of Cilento National Park, the ancient Greek temple Paestum and ends in the south with the Gulf of Sapri.


Fantastically beautiful golden sandy beaches at the Cape of Palinuro. The most spectacular view of the bay of Sapri is from the mountain village of San Giovanni a Piro. We lived very well and excellently fed in the country hotel Il Forno Antico.


In der hügeligen Landschaft mit Wäldern, Olivenhainen und Flußtälern tummeln sich vom Aussterben bedrohte Tierarten wie Steinadler, Wölfe, Wildkatzen und Fischotter sowie echte Wasserbüffel - inzwischen domiziert. Die Wasserbüffel liefern mit ihrer Milch den Rohstoff für eine Delikatesse: Mozzarella di bufala.
Der Cilento-Nationalpark zählt zum schützenswerten UNESCO Welterbe.
Bergdorf San Giovanni a Piro

Monastery Padula:

In Padula steht eine grandiose, perfekt restaurierte Klosteranlage "La Certosa di San Lorenzo".
Ausgehend von Praiano im Cilento bietet sich ein Tagesausflug nach Padula an. Zur Besichtgung der weitläufigen, ausgezeichnet restaurierten Klosteranlage mit Ursprung im 14. Jahrhundert sollte man sich mindestens 4-5 Stunden Zeit nehmen.
Padula liegt fast direkt an der Autobahn (A3) und kann über die SS 517 erreicht werden. Zurück gehts auf der Autobahn nach Süden bis zur Abfahrt Lagonegro Nord - Maratea und dann weiter auf der SS 585 und SS 104 nach Sapri.
La Certosa di San Lorenzo - Kloster Padula


Picturesque on a long hill above the Noce valley located village.


Wild coast with high waves and rugged mountains near Praia al Mare.


Das malerische Bergdorf Maierà liegt 360 m über dem Meer im Nationalpark Pollino.


Wallfahrtsort mit origineller Kirchturmuhr auf einem Aussichtsberg.


Ein Abt (griech. papas) Isidoros gründete im Mittelalter diese Mönchsiedlung über dem Laotal. Sehenswert ist die Brücke, welche zur Wallfahrtskirche Santa Maria di Constantinopoli führt. Kunstliebhaber finden in der Kirche Santa Sofia schöne Fresken aus dem 16. Jh.
Wilde Küste mit schroffen Bergen bei Praia al Mare


Picturesque old town on a headland overlooking the sea in the province of Cosenza, also known for the annual Pepperoni Festival in early September, palm tree promenade, original murals.
Very beautiful hinterland with spectacular pilgrimage sites (Orsomarso, Papasidero).
Good starting point for a trip to the Pollino National Park.
Mile long beaches of gray gravel.

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